Super sexy berry compote

I’ve posted berry compote recipes previously but this one is the best. Why? Because I’ve now got a special hack to make it extra shiny and hold really well: cornstarch. Yep, it is as easy as that! Perfect to flavor a bowl of yogurt, spread on toast, this lustrous beauty is also perfect to top a vanilla sponge cake or a tart with pasty cream….


  • 4 cups frozen berries (I like a mix of blueberry, raspberry and strawberry)
  • 3 tbsp coconut sugar
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch


  1. Place the berries, sugar and water in a pot on the stove over low/medium heat. Combine the ingredients gently and let it simmer softly for 30 minutes or so.
  2. A lot of juice will come out of the berries. If there is too much liquid for your taste, take a few tbsp out and use it as a syrup or flavoring for something else (think overnight oats, or to flavor a cool glass of water or spritzer).
  3. Take out another few tbsp of the liquid and put it in a small ramekin or cup. Mix in the cornstarch really well until it is smooth. Mix this back in to the compote and cook for another few minutes over medium heat until it thickens and becomes shiny. Take off the heat and let it cool.
  4. Cover and keep it in the fridge until ready to use.
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