Re-engaging your mind with your body – Expert interview with Jade Wood

Body mind movement

Being a pretty active gal, I like to think of myself as a fairly good mover. But every now and then I am reminded by chronic neck tension or little aches and pains that there must be something I’m not doing right movement-wise. Is it my form when I exercise? My breathing? The way I […]

Regaining a balanced body


In sports science, there is a concept called the SAID principle, which stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. It basically means that your body gets better at what you make it practice. So if you are always doing the same sport, your nervous system will adapt itself and create the synaptic connections required to become […]

Bloating: home remedies that work

Bloating: home remedies that work 1

Almost every woman over 30 I know has the occasional bloat. I was the queen of chronic bloating for years and years until I got fed up and got to the bottom of it. But this is post isn’t about that – it’s about the quick fixes that worked for me and that might help you […]