Proprioception: what is it and how you can improve it

Movement and proprioception

Proprioception is basically how your brain “thinks” your body looks like and how it moves in space. This representation of your body is like an internal GPS that is created using a lot of data, including information the brain gets from our sensory receptors when we move. The brain uses it every time you move so […]

What is functional medicine? Expert interview Dr. Shefali Verma

Functional Medicine

When I started investigating my digestive issues years ago, I became the walking encyclopedia of all food, intolerance and gut tests available. After much unsuccessful Google self-diagnosis I was finally aided by a good nutritionist, and took charge of my gut health. But hen, just as all was getting happy digestive-wise, I hit 39 and […]

Eating too “healthy”? – Expert interview with Keith Littlewood

Are you too healthy? interview with Keith Littlewood

Most of my readers know I believe in thorough medical testing and have certain set ideas about nutrition. However, I also think it’s important to take a step back and listen to other points of views and question ourselves from time to time. Today, I want to introduce you to an expert who has helped […]

Fibre: are you getting enough?

Fibre is vital

I’ve never given fibre much thought – I knew it promoted regularity and was generally good for you but that was about it. However in recent years, researchers are finding that fibre is also hugely important for the wellbeing of our gut microbiome and immune systems. I’ve read a lot about it over the past […]

Millet pumpkin, chickpea and feta salad

Millet pumpkin, chickpea and feta salad 2

Millet isn’t exactly what you would call newfangled, but its popularity has soared with the growth of the gluten-free movement. It is one of these ancient seeds that has been used in many parts of the world from the Americas to Africa and Asia. In fact, I’ve often seen millet-based “raji” flour here in Dubai […]

Are emotions sabotaging your diet? Expert Interview with Laura Holland

Eating, thoughts and emotions

These days, there are so many eating philosophies and lifestyles that you really don’t really know what is better, best or worst. Some swear by paleo while others wouldn’t dream of being anything but vegan and both have great arguments that are backed up by studies. And of course, there are some who live by […]

Beat inflammation and heavy toxins: infrared saunas

Infrared sauna

People have been lauding the benefits of using infrared saunas for a couple of years now, but until recently, wasn’t particularly tempted. Perhaps it’s because Dubai’s heat and humidity already make us sweat a lot, or maybe it’s because I felt like I was eliminating enough toxins through the skin with my daily workouts…or could […]

Taking the leap: why it’s so hard – interview with Kira Jean


Change is an inherent part of being human, we all know that. But since I’ve been here in Dubai, the sheer number of people in my entourage contemplating change or who have already revamped something major in their life is astounding. We think about it, we read about it online or get books on how […]

Expert interview: can kinesiology help you?

Professional kinesiology

The first time I experienced Professional Kinesiology* in its most basic form was 7 years ago, when I went to see a Chinese Medecine doctor who used it for allergy testing in London. At the time, I was a little bit dubious of this method that uses muscle testing to better understand what’s going on […]