“The” baby artichoke salad

Salade d'artichauts

I can count with one hand the number of times my husband and I have argued in the past 15 years. And our first – and most ridiculous – argument had to do with artichokes. Many years ago, while living in Montreal, we’d shop at the fruit and veg market every weekend. One fine day, […]

Muhammara – a really good red pepper dip

Muhammara - a really good red pepper dip

I first tried making muhammara years ago in Dubai because I wanted an alternative to hummus and didn’t know what to do with that big pomegranate syrup that had been sitting in my cupboard for 6 months. Wow, I was blown away: this spread – which is very popular in Syria but also in other […]

Nectarine, goat cheese & courgette BBQ salad

Nectarine goat cheese BBQ salad

I don’t know about you gals, but after a holiday, I feel compelled to recreate some of the dishes I had while away. It’s my way of staying on vacation or at least of trying to relive some of the moments by fooling my tastebuds. In any case, expect to see some European summer inspo […]

Vegan pecan pie

Vegan pecan pie

If you love pecan pie like I do, you will love this vegan pecan pie. Just like the traditional recipe (I love the one from Sally’s Baking Addiction), it brings back a lot of childhood memories from Canada. My parents used to get it for the holidays or occasionally as a treat: the sweet creamy […]

Incredibly tasty courgette tartare


Not only is this little appetizer a total knock out but it’s also deceivingly easy to make. Just make sure you get good quality courgettes, and please please please don’t overcook them or they will lose their radiant green color. All the ingredients really complement each other – from the nuttiness of the parmesan and […]

Golden creamy corn soup

Golden corn soup

As far as I’m concerned, corn is right up there with watermelon and peaches when it comes to summer produce. This delicious creamy soup is great served hot in a big bowl with some savory scones or crusty bread (gluten free of course). It is also really nice cold, in little shot glasses and topped […]

Green rice salad with cherries & feta

Green rice cherry feta salad

Fresh herbs coat every little bit of rice in this salad, making every mouthful super refreshing and tasty. I’ve tested this recipe several times using different fruits from apricots and cranberries to tomatoes – but cherries are one my favorites – and since I’ve been getting a lot of them in my Fruitful day boxes […]

Sunny ratatouille ricotta starter

Sunny ratatouille ricotta starter 1

Ratatouille is the ultimate Southern French summer side dish. It’s important to cook each vegetable separately and combine them only at the very end – otherwise you will end up with a goopy watery stew, which you definitely want to avoid. Because it is a little time-consuming, I usually make a big batch and use […]

Heavenly quinoa salad


I always try to incorporate as many super healthy foods as possible in my recipes – with a focus on fibre and antioxydants – but it sometimes takes quite a bit of trial and error to have all the ingredients live in flavorful harmony. I think I got it right with this super salad bowl. The anti-inflammatory turmeric […]

Quick kale pesto

Quick kale pesto

My quick kale pesto is one of those recipes that I feel have a huge return on investment. All you need are a couple of quality ingredients, a blender, 60 seconds and it’s done – and a lot better than the kind you find ready-made in most supermarkets. And because it has a ton of […]