Melt-in-your-mouth Chinese eggplant

Melt-in-your-mouth Chinese eggplant

Eggplant must be one of the most versatile and international vegetables out there. From Europe to the Middle East and Asia, every region has their own variety and way of preparing it. I tend to slap it on the bbq brushed with olive oil and herbs because, let’s be honest, this is probably the easiest […]

Chocolatey chunk cookies (vegan)

Chocolatey chunk cookies (vegan) 1

Although I can resist sweets, I can’t be trusted around a plate of these double chocolate cookies so I only make them once in a while. This recipe is a part of my vegan snack and dessert arsenal, which is comprised of sweets that don’t taste like they are vegan. They’re fairly healthy, gluten, dairy […]

Cauliflower everyone will eat

Roast curry cauliflower

Not everyone’s a fan of cauliflower’s cabbagey taste (or smell for that matter) – but it doesn’t mean you should stop trying to get your kids or second half to eat this underrated vegetable. Just think different and roast it, I promise you it’s a game changer. You see, roasting in a high heat will […]

Lovely beet chips

Beetroot chips

I should probably start the year with some vitamin-packed juice or a gut-cleansing recipe but I’m too busy experimenting with my new kitchen toy: a mandolin. It slices and juliennes vegetables beautifully and I can already think of dozens of recipes it can bring to the next level. But first, let me start with a […]

Comforting blueberry apple crumble

Gluten free vegan apple blueberry crumble

If there was such a thing as a comfort dessert, for me it would be a warm and spicy fruit crumble – if possible topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. But there are lots of other excuses for making this versatile indulgence: it easily adapts to most diets (low fat, vegan, etc), allows […]

Puy lentil, tahini and eggplant “ragout”

Lentil, eggplant and tahini "ragout"

I love French Puy lentils – they are a star nutrition-wise but also so delicious in salads and terribly satisfying when served warm like in this cumin-scented wonder. I like to eat this alongside rice when I’m in need of comforting cold-weather food, but it is also mouthwatering and exquisite served as a bed for […]

Homemade almond milk

Homemade almond milk

When I first posted that I was testing different almond milk brands, I got a slew of emails and comments from savvy vegan friends suggesting I make my own. I ordered a nut milk bag, got a ton of organic almonds and still, it took me weeks to actually try. To be honest, the idea […]

Delish almond cashew butter

Delish almond cashew butter 2

I’ve had this obssession with nut butters for as long as I can remember. You see, what Nutella crêpes are to my children today (the story), peanut butter jelly-laden toasted bread was to me as a child. I have fond memories of my best friend and I gorging ourselves on triple decker PB&Js sandwiches and […]

Pumpkin ginger soup with coconut “bacon”

Pumpkin ginger soup with coconut bacon

A friend of ours made us the most mouth-watering ginger pumpkin “velouté” the other night and I was so grateful. Not just because she made it onion and garlic free (unfortunately, I can’t digest either!) but also because it reminded just how much I love soup in autumn. There is just something so comforting and utterly […]

Awesome Sicilian caponata

Sicilian caponata

I consider caponata to be Sicily’s answer to France’s ratatouille. It’s hearty, delicious, healthy and bursting with late-summer Mediterranean flavors. It’s also a great dish to make when you want a satisfying, rustic vegetarian meal that doesn’t have beans in it. There are a gazillion variations to caponata – many people use raisins, others add […]