Getting started with the Tracy Anderson Method

Getting started with the Tracy Anderson Method 1

As you may know through past entries and Instagram posts, I am a consummate fan of the Tracy Anderson Method. As such, I frequently get asked about it and the most common question by far is “How does one get started?” So that’s what I will be tackling in today’s article. I hope it can […]

My Vitality Week with Tracy Anderson

My Vitality Week with Tracy Anderson

Before I start on My My Vitality Week with Tracy Anderson, let me tell you about my journey with the Tracy Anderson Method (aka “TAM”) because it has been a long and very rewarding one. I started off doing her DVDs and webisodes, moved on to the her 4-year Metamaorphosis program and then transitioned into […]

The Tracy Anderson Method

The Tracy Anderson Method 2

If you have looked at my Instagram account, you probably already know I am a huge fan of the Tracy Anderson Method, and have been for many years. Who is she? Tracy was an aspiring and talented ballet dancer who struggled throughout dance school because she didn’t have a typical ballerina body. She tried many […]