Traditional French Provencal Ratatouille

Traditional French Provencal Ratatouille

Ratatouille is a Southern French recipe that can be loosely described as a late summer vegetable stew. And in some cases it is: many people tend to just saute onions,  add eggplant, courgettes, bell peppers, tomatoes and then let the whole thing simmer until it is cooked and becomes “stewy”. But ratatouille is a little […]

Kale, Catalan style

Kale, Catalan style 1

When I was in my twenties, I had the opportunity to visit Barcelona a few times for work. Ask me what I did while there, not entirely sure, but I do recollect counting the minutes until their 2 pm lunch time so I could run to the local restaurant and have me a big plate […]

Zesty primavera potato salad

Primavera potato salad

I love a good potato salad, it reminds me of summer picnics, American-style barbecues and outdoor lunches. Each time we make one, everyone loves it and I wonder why it doesn’t show up at our table more often. In the fact last week, while having a “not-another-quinoa-salad” day, the spud didn’t even cross my mind […]

Celeriac “rice” with decadent porcini mushroom ragout

Celeriac rice and mushroom ragout

Celeriac – otherwise known as celery root – is a vastly underrated and underused vegetable despite its unique taste and texture. The “rice” is a good alternative to carbs and also a change from its cauliflower counterpart, which can be hard to digest for some people (cauliflower contains mannitol, which is an alcohol sugar part […]

Fancy pants sunchoke puree with rocket hazelnut pesto

Sunchoke puree with rocket hazelnut pesto

I was first introduced to sunchokes, otherwise known as Jerusalem artichokes, when I was living in France. Over there, these artichoke-tasting little roots are called “topinambours” and they are often made into a puree or a creamy soup. In this one, I add a fresh rocket hazelnut pesto, which I sort of hijacked from Yotam […]