Sunchoke purée with sautéed mushrooms

Sunchoke purée with sautéed mushrooms

This sunchoke purée and mushroom ragu might be a good one to impress friends, but it also makes for great comfort food when it’s cold outside. Sunchokes – also called Jerusalem artichokes or “topinambours” for my French friends – are highly underrated in the vegetable world. Although the plant itself resembles a type of sunflower, […]

Keeping-it-simple apple strawberry purée

apple strawberry puree

Yep, it’s baby food, but when my 13-year old turning-into-a-foodie son earnestly told me this fruity purée was the best thing I’d made in ages (hmmm…), I felt compelled to share. And to be honest, I’ve made 3 batches since because we all love the stuff – apple and strawberry seriously rock. I also guess it […]