Couples, relationships and self-love – Expert interview

Couples, relationships and self-love - Expert interview 1

All couples experience some hiccups and roadblocks along the way, but it seems like a lot of them are concentrated in one’s thirties and forties.The story doesn’t always end up in separation or divorce but chronic fighting/arguing can certainly put a strain on any marriage or relationship. What makes romantic relationships deteriorate? What can help […]

Facts and myths of ADHD – An expert interview

Facts and myths of ADHD - An expert interview 2

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder – otherwise known as ADHD – is something we increasingly hear about these days, especially where children are concerned. Some get diagnosed, others don’t and many get misdiagnosed. The truth is that like a lot of things in the field of psychology, it isn’t an exact science. While in other medical […]