Kids love ’em (and so do we) chicken nuggets

Kids love 'em chicken nuggets

I first started preparing dinners in the kitchen at the age of 13, the summer my mom went back to work. Revelling in this new-found freedom to make meals I fancied, I discovered the joys of recipe testing as opposed to drooling over cookbook pictures, (which had until then been a favorite pastime of mine). […]

Facts and myths of ADHD – An expert interview

Facts and myths of ADHD - An expert interview 1

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder – otherwise known as ADHD – is something we increasingly hear about these days, especially where children are concerned. Some get diagnosed, others don’t and many get misdiagnosed. The truth is that like a lot of things in the field of psychology, it isn’t an exact science. While in other medical […]