Kale, Catalan style

Kale, Catalan style 1

When I was in my twenties, I had the opportunity to visit Barcelona a few times for work. Ask me what I did while there, not entirely sure, but I do recollect counting the minutes until their 2 pm lunch time so I could run to the local restaurant and have me a big plate […]

My pre-holiday go-to salad

Kale Pre Holiday Salad

I don’t know if it’s because the holidays are right around the corner and I’m already imagining myself indulging in too many canapes, cheese plates, desserts and glasses of wine, but I feel the need to get some greens and light dinners in my system right now. Luckily, there are a ton of great recipes […]

Smoked date pecorino buckwheat salad with macademia nuts

Date pecorino salad with macademia

I don’t know where I got the inspiration for this recipe because I’ve never tasted anything quite like it, but it’s now become a staple at our house. A couple of tips: use the darker roasted buckwheat groats, not the raw, light-colored one, if you want to have that distinctive taste buckwheat is known for. […]