Sunchoke purée with sautéed mushrooms

This sunchoke purée and mushroom ragu might be a good one to impress friends, but it also makes for great comfort food when it’s cold outside. Sunchokes – also called Jerusalem artichokes or “topinambours” for my French friends – are highly underrated in the vegetable world. Although the plant itself resembles a type of sunflower, […]
Fancy pants sunchoke puree with rocket hazelnut pesto

I was first introduced to sunchokes, otherwise known as Jerusalem artichokes, when I was living in France. Over there, these artichoke-tasting little roots are called “topinambours” and they are often made into a puree or a creamy soup. In this one, I add a fresh rocket hazelnut pesto, which I sort of hijacked from Yotam […]