What is functional medicine? Expert interview Dr. Shefali Verma

Functional Medicine

When I started investigating my digestive issues years ago, I became the walking encyclopedia of all food, intolerance and gut tests available. After much unsuccessful Google self-diagnosis I was finally aided by a good nutritionist, and took charge of my gut health. But hen, just as all was getting happy digestive-wise, I hit 39 and […]

Re-engaging your mind with your body – Expert interview with Jade Wood

Body mind movement

Being a pretty active gal, I like to think of myself as a fairly good mover. But every now and then I am reminded by chronic neck tension or little aches and pains that there must be something I’m not doing right movement-wise. Is it my form when I exercise? My breathing? The way I […]

DNA testing – you have more control over genes than you think

DNA Testing

All things related to science and the body fascinate me, but there are a few topics that I feel are huge game changers in medicine today and that too few people know about. DNA testing is one of them. I have benefited from my own DNA findings and really encourage everyone to do the same because understanding your […]