Eating too “healthy”? – Expert interview with Keith Littlewood

Are you too healthy? interview with Keith Littlewood

Most of my readers know I believe in thorough medical testing and have certain set ideas about nutrition. However, I also think it’s important to take a step back and listen to other points of views and question ourselves from time to time. Today, I want to introduce you to an expert who has helped […]

Fibre: are you getting enough?

Fibre is vital

I’ve never given fibre much thought – I knew it promoted regularity and was generally good for you but that was about it. However in recent years, researchers are finding that fibre is also hugely important for the wellbeing of our gut microbiome and immune systems. I’ve read a lot about it over the past […]

Is low stomach acid causing your bloating?

Stomach acid problem?

When they hear the words “stomach acid”, most people automatically think acid indigestion or heartburn. Naturally, they associate these with having too much stomach acid, which is why many people turn to acid blocking medicine like tums or Rolaids for relief.  In reality however, the opposite is true, medical literature suggests that the majority of […]

The “calories in calories out” myth

Calories in and calories out myth

I am always shocked to realize how many people today still think that losing/gaining weight is all about “calories in, calories out”, despite all the research that demonstrates otherwise. Today’s post is really about explaining why that theory is outdated. I hope it can be help some of you, especially the ladies out there who have tried changing […]