The Kids’ Chocolate Granola

Chocolate Hazelnut Granola

My last chocolate granola recipe dates back to over a year ago – and though it was a hit with the adults, my kiddos weren’t sold because it “didn’t taste like chocolate”. Eye roll…fair enough. So recently, I went back to the drawing board to create one that would be more appealing to a child’s […]

Salty spicy granola

Savory granola

I toyed around with the idea of making savory granola for a while but part of me always felt like if it was that good, it would have already taken trendy, snack-loving Dubai by storm and we’d be seeing it on everyone’s work desk. Nevertheless, I figured I’d give it a go the other day […]

Pretty amazing Chai-flavored granola

Chai granola

I love granola – but the problem with most of the store-bought variety is all the preservatives, unnecessary refined sugar and unhealthy vegetable oils like palm, rapeseed and canola. The good news is that it’s a snap to make at home and you can easily change up the ingredients depending on what you’ve got on […]

Almond, coconut, tahini & dark chocolate granola

Chocolate tahini coconut granola

I don’t buy granola at the store because most of the time, it’s packed with sugar and other stuff that’s gonna slow down my digestive system. However, I’m all for homemade! This recipe is great because it is filled with fiber from different sources as well as a good source of omega 3s thanks to […]