Crustless salmon spinach quiche

Before I get started on my Crustless salmon spinach quiche, let me first say: I make a mean quiche. Back in my gluten-filled days, that’s what I would prepare anytime there was a picnic or bring-and-share-style dinner. The secret? A generous filling of your choice, 5 eggs and 1.5 cups of crème fraîche. Not fat-free […]
Refreshing feta mint watermelon salad

I don’t know who came up with the feta watermelon mint combination but it really works. It is also PERFECT for the current weather, whether your are in Dubai or in the midst of a European heat wave. Now just a heads up, any recipe that involves watermelon can turn out…you guessed it: watery. So […]
Delightful summer vegetable “terrine”

When we lived in Southern France, we had access to the most tasty and colorful vegetables – from the sweetest tomatoes and deep red bell peppers to the practically seedless courgettes and eggplants. This particular recipe, which is something between a frittata and a crustless quiche, used to show up once a week on the […]
Golden creamy corn soup

As far as I’m concerned, corn is right up there with watermelon and peaches when it comes to summer produce. This delicious creamy soup is great served hot in a big bowl with some savory scones or crusty bread (gluten free of course). It is also really nice cold, in little shot glasses and topped […]
Eggplant chèvre and roasted tomato gems

You may have noticed, I am having a Mediterranean food moment right now. As part of this obsession, eggplant has been a regular on my shopping list for the past couple of weeks and this particular recipe has shown up a couple of times on the dinner table. The sweetness of the roasted tomatoes paired […]
Green rice salad with cherries & feta

Fresh herbs coat every little bit of rice in this salad, making every mouthful super refreshing and tasty. I’ve tested this recipe several times using different fruits from apricots and cranberries to tomatoes – but cherries are one my favorites – and since I’ve been getting a lot of them in my Fruitful day boxes […]
My secret crêpe recipe (gluten free)

Crêpes are a thing at our house. Not sure how this family tradition started but I’ve been making these large thin French pancakes for the kiddos almost every morning for the past 6 years…yep, I could probably rival the crêpe street vendors in Paris at this point. You can omit the orange blossom water and […]
Sunny ratatouille ricotta starter

Ratatouille is the ultimate Southern French summer side dish. It’s important to cook each vegetable separately and combine them only at the very end – otherwise you will end up with a goopy watery stew, which you definitely want to avoid. Because it is a little time-consuming, I usually make a big batch and use […]
Chocolate “orangette” chia pudding

The only time I ever have chia pudding is for breakfast – howerver, this recipe’s chocolate orange combination kick it up a notch and elevate it to the adult dessert category. It’s not just a pretty dairy, sugar, gluten and egg-free end to a meal, it is also incredibly easy and quick to prepare. Ingredients […]
Cardamom chocolate granola bars

I love cardamom, it adds sophistication to even the most basic things – in this case granola bars. However please use freshly ground cardamom pods, not the powdered stuff. I didn’t add any “sweetener” like maple syrup, stevia or coconut nectar in the bars themselves because of that luscious chocolate drizzle and because I don’t […]