Pretty quinoa tofu avocado salad

Silken tofu is high in water content and has a smooth custard-like texture, which make it perfect to serve raw in salads or starters. It’s light, high in protein and pairs wonderfully with any kind of Asian dressing, like the one in this salad.
Starbucks oatmeal cookie copycat recipe

Here is the story behind my Starbucks oatmeal cranberry cookie. First, let me admit that I sometimes have Starbucks cookies. More specifically, the big outrageous processed sugar, white flour and whatever else-ladden oatmeal, cranberry ones. It just takes a bite and you’re hooked. Seriously. I really felt like having one a month ago and now […]
Effortless sesame tuna carpaccio

It happened. It suddenly got really hot in Dubai. We had a llong lovely spring but the steamy weather is now with us until October. So it is the perfect time to be making al fresco meals. This one’s an appetizer – something between a carpaccio and sashimi – which I like to make for […]
Dunkin’ chocolate cookies

A bite of these Dunkin’ chocolate cookies conjured up images of me as a kid with a plate of fudgee-o cookies (these were a thing in Canada growing up…) and a tall glass of cold milk. I literally close my eyes, turn off the music/phone/pc or whatever else I am doing and savor every single bite […]
Moist Orange Cardamom Muffins

These gluten free bundles of goodness are moist and ooze of Persian flavors: pistachio, almonds, cardamom, honey, orange….you get the drift. I discovered them the other week when perusing through a wonderful cookbook gifted to me by a beautiful Persian friend of mine. The original recipe is absolutely delish but a little heavy for my […]
Sunchoke purée with sautéed mushrooms

This sunchoke purée and mushroom ragu might be a good one to impress friends, but it also makes for great comfort food when it’s cold outside. Sunchokes – also called Jerusalem artichokes or “topinambours” for my French friends – are highly underrated in the vegetable world. Although the plant itself resembles a type of sunflower, […]
Superb aubergine “pkhali”

While touring Georgia last week, we ate about 5 different versions of eggplant “pkhali”, which is what they call their savory dips. You’ll find it in most restaurants, almost always served with delicious warm traditional Georgian bread. This version was probably my favorite because it has walnuts, a star ingredient of the country’s cuisine, which […]
The Kids’ Chocolate Granola

My last chocolate granola recipe dates back to over a year ago – and though it was a hit with the adults, my kiddos weren’t sold because it “didn’t taste like chocolate”. Eye roll…fair enough. So recently, I went back to the drawing board to create one that would be more appealing to a child’s […]
Guilt-free breakfast blueberry bars

If I made a roundup of my favorite on-the-go breakfasts, these babies would top the list. They’re a snap to make and tick all the boxes when it comes to my idea of the perfect morning food: high in taste, rich in fiber (y’all know how important that is to me), gluten free, packed with […]
Absolutely sinful banana moelleux

There are a ton of gluten free, processed sugar free and vegan banana bread and cake recipes out there. But this one stands out. You don’t eat it because it’s healthy, you eat it because it looks like chocolate cake and tastes like a little piece of heaven. In French, we use an expression: “c’est […]