Proprioception: what is it and how you can improve it

Movement and proprioception

Proprioception is basically how your brain “thinks” your body looks like and how it moves in space. This representation of your body is like an internal GPS that is created using a lot of data, including information the brain gets from our sensory receptors when we move. The brain uses it every time you move so […]

Parkour: what is it and why it’s so cool – Expert interview

Parkour: what is it and why it's so cool - Expert interview 1

I love movement, more specifically, I love full-body movement because I think it’s the most beneficial kind. And last week, I finally got to interview a pioneer in a full-body movement practice that is gaining a lot of traction worldwide these days: Parkour. Here in Dubai, you may have already seen Parkour classes where adults and […]

My Vitality Week with Tracy Anderson

My Vitality Week with Tracy Anderson

Before I start on My My Vitality Week with Tracy Anderson, let me tell you about my journey with the Tracy Anderson Method (aka “TAM”) because it has been a long and very rewarding one. I started off doing her DVDs and webisodes, moved on to the her 4-year Metamaorphosis program and then transitioned into […]

Why working out “mindfully” matters


According to Google, mindfulness is “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations”. Being mindful has loads of benefits but for us busy WellMammas, focusing on the present moment and accepting (as opposed to judging) what you are feeling and […] – great for fitness class deals


I love the concept because it offers something all of us Mammas want today: flexibility. You go on the site, pick the studio, gym, activity and area you are interested in and you get daily/weekly/monthly packages for less than if you went directly to the establishment itself. You get variety, a good price and […]

Regaining a balanced body


In sports science, there is a concept called the SAID principle, which stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. It basically means that your body gets better at what you make it practice. So if you are always doing the same sport, your nervous system will adapt itself and create the synaptic connections required to become […]

The Tracy Anderson Method

The Tracy Anderson Method 3

If you have looked at my Instagram account, you probably already know I am a huge fan of the Tracy Anderson Method, and have been for many years. Who is she? Tracy was an aspiring and talented ballet dancer who struggled throughout dance school because she didn’t have a typical ballerina body. She tried many […]