Guilt-free breakfast blueberry bars

If I made a roundup of my favorite on-the-go breakfasts, these babies would top the list. They’re a snap to make and tick all the boxes when it comes to my idea of the perfect morning food: high in taste, rich in fiber (y’all know how important that is to me), gluten free, packed with […]
Drool-worthy tahini chocolate espresso squares

The humble brownie is brought to great heights here. Luscious, creamy tahini and a shot of espresso give these delicious little chocolate squares an earthy yet sophisticated taste, making them quite adult-like despite their decadent gooeyness. They don’t take long to prepare and their intensity is perfectly tempered if served warm with a big scoop […]
Fresh and delish salsa verde

I am completely besotted by this Italian fresh herb sauce and make it all the time during the hotter months of the year. Light, yet intensely aromatic, it brings out greatness in any grilled fish, poultry, meat or vegetable you decide to pair it. It is especially killer good when spooned overĀ salmon or a […]
Refreshing feta herb hummus

Hummus is a regular feature on our dinner table. I love my original recipe, but I’ve also jumped on the colorful hummus trend bandwagon and experimented adding other ingredients to it. I’d be lying if I said all of them were a success but so far, I’ve posted my favorites. It all started with beetroot, […]
Comforting blueberry apple crumble

If there was such a thing as a comfort dessert, for me it would be a warm and spicy fruit crumble – if possible topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. But there are lots of other excuses for making this versatile indulgence: it easily adapts to most diets (low fat, vegan, etc), allows […]
Delightful vitello tonnato

Vitello tonnato originates from Italy’s Piemont region and is a cold thinly sliced roast veal covered in an exquisite tuna caper anchovy sauce. I don’t know why it took me so long to make this at home. Well no, actually that’s not true: it was partly because of the seemingly strange combination of ingredients that […]
Vegan pecan pie

If you love pecan pie like I do, you will love this vegan pecan pie. Just like the traditional recipe (I love the one from Sally’s Baking Addiction), it brings back a lot of childhood memories from Canada. My parents used to get it for the holidays or occasionally as a treat: the sweet creamy […]
Chocolate “orangette” chia pudding

The only time I ever have chia pudding is for breakfast – howerver, this recipe’s chocolate orange combination kick it up a notch and elevate it to the adult dessert category. It’s not just a pretty dairy, sugar, gluten and egg-free end to a meal, it is also incredibly easy and quick to prepare. Ingredients […]