Re-engaging your mind with your body – Expert interview with Jade Wood

Body mind movement

Being a pretty active gal, I like to think of myself as a fairly good mover. But every now and then I am reminded by chronic neck tension or little aches and pains that there must be something I’m not doing right movement-wise. Is it my form when I exercise? My breathing? The way I […]

Getting out of chronic pain – an exclusive expert interview

Overcoming chronic pain

In the past year, through my NeuroPilates training, I’ve had the opportunity to work with one of the most knowledgeable trainers I’ve ever come across: Heba Abdel Gawad. She is not only the co-founder of brain-based fitness company .body//HACK: but also a  NeuroPilates™ Teacher Trainer, a former Olympic athlete and a Z-Health Master Trainer. She is […]