A healthier Nutella recipe

Healthy Nutella

After spending way too many hours trying to make healthy homemade Nutella, I need to give you some feedback. If you really want Nutella that resembles the real thing, you will need to add a lot of processed ingredients like sugar, condensed milk, milk chocolate, etc. Sure, it will be made with love (and without […]

Scheherazade’s overnight oats

Scheherazade oats

You all know just how much I love overnight oats, right? They’re high in fiber, filling yet easy to digest, tasty, easy to make ahead of time…and all that. But that’s not what this recipe is about. Here, aromatic nectarine and saffron compote, orange blossom water-infused oats and sinfully lustrous almond butter turn a totally […]

Pretty halloumi tartine with apricot-tomato topping

Halloumi Abricot Tomato chutney

I love savory tartines. They have the elegance of a canapé but are as satisfying as a sandwich. This particular one was created out of serendipity the day I met CheesyCarla, a delightful Dubai-based cheesemaker who uses milk from the Deena Farm and Dairy to craft the most delicious organic products. Her succulent creations range from yogurt […]

Favorite savory galette recipe (salty crepes)

savory galette

“Galettes” are buckwheat crêpes (large, thin pancakes) used for savory fillings. Like traditional sweet crêpes, they originate from the Brittany region of France and are absolutely divine. The classic galette is usually crispy, buttery-tasting and stuffed with ham, melted gruyere and a sunny side up egg. If you want to make it a bit more […]

Delish almond cashew butter

Delish almond cashew butter 1

I’ve had this obssession with nut butters for as long as I can remember. You see, what Nutella crêpes are to my children today (the story), peanut butter jelly-laden toasted bread was to me as a child. I have fond memories of my best friend and I gorging ourselves on triple decker PB&Js sandwiches and […]

Lazy morning blueberry muffins

Lazy morning blueberry muffins 2

I try not to over indulge in sweets for breakfast, but every now and then I love a good blueberry muffin. These grain-free ones are really delicious and nutritious thanks to the ground almonds and antioxydant-rich wild blueberries. They just take 30 minutes to make from beginning to end, so are completely do-able first thing […]

Pretty amazing Chai-flavored granola

Chai granola

I love granola – but the problem with most of the store-bought variety is all the preservatives, unnecessary refined sugar and unhealthy vegetable oils like palm, rapeseed and canola. The good news is that it’s a snap to make at home and you can easily change up the ingredients depending on what you’ve got on […]

OMG-they-rock toffee granola bars


I used to be addicted to crunchy industrial-style granola bars before I went sugar free, became concerned with my gut and obsessed with wellness. Since, I’ve tried my hand at making “clean” ones at home, but they’ve always tasted too healthy for the kids to like them – if that makes sense. Finally, my quest […]

Almond, coconut, tahini & dark chocolate granola

Chocolate tahini coconut granola

I don’t buy granola at the store because most of the time, it’s packed with sugar and other stuff that’s gonna slow down my digestive system. However, I’m all for homemade! This recipe is great because it is filled with fiber from different sources as well as a good source of omega 3s thanks to […]