Cobblers usually have a lot more fruit than cake batter – in this case, it’s 40/60 because that’s how my kids like it. Also, this particular recipe uses a genius polenta-based topping, which I hijacked from one of my favorite contemporary cookbook writers – Julia Turshen. Throw in whichever stonefruit you’ve got – I like to mix cherry and apricots but you can use plums, nectarines, peaches, whatever tickles your fancy really. And if you are in the fall/winter season, definitely don’t let that stop you – you can also use wonderful seasonal fruit like pear, figs, apples, you know what I mean.

Whichever way, cobbler definitely ticks the “you can also eat it for breakfast” box, so I make it often. If you want to serve it as a decadent dessert, I highly suggest you warm it up and top it with a big old scoop of vanilla ice cream.



  1. Preheat oven to 175 C
  2. In an oven-proof baking dish, place the fruit and sugar. Combine well.
  3. In a large bowl, place the cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Combine well. Stir in the light cream and butter.
  4. Pour the batter over the fruit and smooth it so that it is somewhat spread out. Place it in the oven for around 45 minutes.
  5. Let cool and serve