Do you ever feel like you are wired so differently from some of your close friends or family?  It’s normal, we all do and that’s because we are. Today, we meet with my go-to for all things related to human behavior and relationships, Isabel Galiardo, founder of The Inner Bridge. She delves into the topic of the Enneagram, a tool that has been used since ancient times to help individuals get closer to their “truth” or truest selves. The tool basically gives you the lens color through which you are seeing the world most of the time.

Isabel explains its origins and why it isn’t just a personality test. She also goes into some detail for each of the 9 different “types” or “soul maps” and helps us understand how it not only enhances our self-awareness but also gives us guidance when it comes to understanding others.

If you are interested in knowing more about the Enneagram, watch Isabel’s youtube video:

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