While it is clear to me today that how we eat and the emotions surrounding the experience are as important as what we eat, it wasn’t so a few years ago. I was first introduced to the concept of holistic health and more specifically, body-mind nutrition, when I met nutritionist and wellness expert Laura Holland. And today, this has become a firm belief of mine not only where food is concerned, but also when it comes to exercise, work, time spent with friends, family and every other facet of life. If it triggers a chronic stress response, it is working against you and you need to shift the way you feel about it. So if you are struggling with digestion or generally not reaping any physical benefits from “eating healthy”, then maybe try tweaking your strategy by incorporating the practice of looking within instead of relying solely on external solutions. But I’m no expert – so first, listen to this podcast with Laura, where she explains exactly how our mind affects our body’s ability to digest and metabolize food and why we need to quiet the noise and develop our body’s inherent wisdom.
Episode #14 – Finding your dharma with Aloise Surfleet-Middleton
In this episode, I am speaking with Aloise Surfleet-Middleton, founder of the Dharma Life Academy and of the Dharma Life podcast. In recent years, I