I have a bit of a double standard when it comes to ageing. I don’t like the idea of fighting against it because after all, it’s an inevitable part of life. But now and again – especially the month or so preceding my birthday – when I see too many wrinkles popping up, vanity gets the better of me and I feel the need to get a little help from my superfood friends. So, that explains this particular smoothie recipe!

The berries and pomegranate are full of antioxydants, coconut water is packed with minerals and you will get a good dose of amino acids thanks to the grass fed gelatin. Natural gelatin – similar to collagen – has a ton of benefits: it replenishes specific nutrients that get lost when exercising, it does wonders for aging skin, eases aching joints, soothes irritated digestive symptoms, calms down the nervous system and much more. Also, gelatin is flavorless and will thicken your smoothie, so you won’t need to add bananas, coconut milk or yogurt.

Note: My favorite option is to use wild blueberries. Here in Dubai I can only find them in the frozen food section, BUT they are a lot higher in antioxydants and very tasty.

Makes 1 glass



Put everything in a blender and mix until smooth. Pour into a glass and serve immediately.