If you have 30 minutes to make a magnificent dinner and need a recipe that can easily be double or tripled, this delectable thai-inspired curry needs to be in your little black book. While most traditional curry recipes require you to make a paste, I skip this step – that’s the “lazy” part – and to be honest, nobody’s ever called me on it. It is aromatic, velvety and extremely well received by even the pickiest of eaters, a.k.a. the kiddos.

Spice it up, spice it down, use poultry, duck, seafood, fish, vegetables, or even nothing at all, everything works. In fact, once we’ve eaten all the chicken, my husband and I always have seconds (or thirds) where we just top up our rice and add the rest of the fragrant coconut sauce. I also sometimes turn this into a one-pot wonder by tossing a package of cooked right vermicelli in at the very end.

Note 1: You could use coconut milk, but it won’t taste as good and the texture will be more watery. If you want to make a compromise, use half coconut milk and half coconut cream.

Note 2: Kaffir lime leaves can be found in most big Dubai supermarkets. Otherwise, Asian food stores definitely will have them. They freeze very well.

Serves 3



  1. In a high-speed blender, place the ginger, garlic, 1 tbsp turmeric, 1/2 tsp cumin, 1/2 tsp coriander, 2 limes leaves, saffron, salt and coconut cream. Blitz for 30 seconds or until the limes leaves can’t be seen any longer.
  2. Place a large saucepan over medium high heat. Add coconut oil. When it starts to sizzle (30 seconds or so), add spices, shallot and chilis. Toss for a few seconds and then add the chicken cubes, searing them on all sides until coated with spices and golden orange in color. This should take a few minutes only. Then pour in the coconut milk spice mixture and let simmer on low medium heat for 15-20 minutes. Season with more salt or chili to taste.
  3. Serve with rice and before serving, sprinkle with coriander and lime zest.