As you may know through past entries and Instagram posts, I am a consummate fan of the Tracy Anderson Method. As such, I frequently get asked about it and the most common question by far is “How does one get started?” So that’s what I will be tackling in today’s article. I hope it can help those of you interesting in giving this fitness practice a try.

As far as I’m concerned, there are a 2 main routes you can take if you want to get into the Tracy Anderson Method (TAM) habit:

Route 1 : Metamorphosis
I call it Route 1 because it’s the first program she came up with. Often nicknamed “Meta”, Metamorphosis is a 90-day program she launched years ago, which includes nine 30-minute mat workouts that change every 10 days and one 30-minute dance cardio segment. After 90 days, you can enroll into the 3+ year continuity program, which gets increasingly challenging over time. In Year 3, the mat workout becomes an hour long.

It comes in 4 flavors depending on your body type:

Cost: The 90-day meta program costs around 90$ (30$/month)



Route #2 : The Online Studio
In her studios, Tracy teaches a one-hour Master Class that changes every week. Since 2015, you can get access to this and more in what loosely call “streaming”, aka. The Online Studio.

When you enroll to this program, every week, you will get:

Cost: 90$/month



Other ways to get started

If you aren’t ready to enroll into anything and just want to check TAM out, here are other options:

My conclusion

Meta is an outstanding program and I have seen a ton of people transform their bodies and feel stronger and more agile after having done it. But I prefer streaming because it is a live experience, is always evolving, has tons of options and offers great results too. It is also more motivating for someone who is trying to get into a fitness habit. So, if you can afford it, I would say go for The Online Studio. But if you can’t, then Meta is a great path. Either way, when you commit to one of these routes, you are on a journey that keeps changing, where results will keep coming and where you’re not alone thanks to the community of worldwide “TAMmers”. I think that’s why Tracy’s method is so sticky.

If you have any questions about the method from a user standpoint, feel free to email me anytime, otherwise reach out to the Tracy Anderson team through their Facebook page where you can get advice from one of their trainers.

*The Online Studio offering will tackle all problem areas, the same way Meta omnicentric would. But if someone does have a big imbalance, eg. very weak abdominals and lower back, lots of extra weight around waist and back, but thin legs, then I would ask the Tracy Anderson Team about it. I suspect they may suggest to start with meta until the day there is some kind of centric-specific offering in the Online Studio.

2 Responses

  1. Hi, I read your article, and it was helpful. One question…you mentioned Tracy’s Utube channel…how does one find this channel? Thanks…jah

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