The first time I experienced Professional Kinesiology* in its most basic form was 7 years ago, when I went to see a Chinese Medecine doctor who used it for allergy testing in London. At the time, I was a little bit dubious of this method that uses muscle testing to better understand what’s going on in the body. Basically, he had test tubes filled with allergen liquids and told me to straighten my arm and resist as he would hold one test tube at a time in one hand will pushing my arm with the other. I resisted his push every single time but for one of the test tubes, I could literally feel that my arm was suddenly weaker and it succumbed to his pressure. Apparently, I was allergic to dust mites. He gave me some drops to take, I went home and never saw him again. My symptoms completely disappeared in the months that followed.

I never thought of that experience again – until I met Philippe Berthelot here in Dubai a few years back. He is a kinesiologist who studies under Michelle Chedontal, a leading lady in the world of Professional Kinesiology, who also happens to be the founder of Dubai-based Kinesiocoach. Now, you know I am very discerning when it comes to healthcare and wellness – and a total geek when it comes to doing medical testing. With my history of gut issues and multitude of lab tests, I already knew what my food sensitivities were. In fact, I went to see them for something entirly different: energy healing. However, while testing my muscles, both of them were also able identify 90% of my problem foods. I was dumbfounded. Since then, many people I know have consulted them for various issues, from overcoming fears to healing their body and have seen great results. Can kinesiology help you? Only you can be the judge of that – personally, I don’t understand all the intricacies of it, but I definitely have seen results from it. Here is an interview with Philippe, which I hope will help enlighten you on this fascinating topic.

WM: What is the scientific basis behind kinesiology?
PB: Kinesiologists use muscle feedback as a stress monitor to identify imbalances in their client’s structural, chemical, mental and emotional energy systems. It enables people to detect and correct various imbalances that may relate to stress, nutrition, learning problems, minor injuries and other issues they meet in their daily life. By correcting these imbalances the kinesiologist can help re-activate the body’s built-in healing ability as well as identify external factors affecting the client’s well-being.

WM: What is your training?
PB: I did my initial degree to become kinesiologist with Kinesiocoach, which follows The International College of Professional Kinesiology Practice was founded and developed by medical doctor, Bruce Dewe MD and his wife, a teacher, Joan Dewe MA in New Zealand. I am currently enrolled in a five-year program with ICPK in Professional Kinesiology Practice to become a Professional Kinesiologist Practitioner.

WM: How can someone benefit from kinesiology?
PB: It can have a significant impact on a wide range of health and wellness issues. For example, I do a lot of work around digestive issues because this is a big problem for a lot of people these days. I will identify someone’s intolerance to food. In one session we can test and list all food and nutrient that    are intolerant to the client’s body. We can also find out the deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. It’s very powerful.

However, like I said, kinesiology can assist in several areas of one’s life like helping to overcome past traumas, eliminate emotional, physical and mental stress, enhance learning and improve brain integration (dyslexia, etc) or even boost sports performance.

WM: How does one prepare themselves for a session?
PB: Nothing is required really. Showing up for yourself is the first step. In the initial session we discuss the history of the individual, which is very important. Then we identify a goal. A meaningful goal. We will measure the stress over the goal as well as the life energy to achieve it before and after the session. That way clients can see the progress they have made over time. A goal is essential as it creates an energy field from which everything will depend.

WM: What happens when you see a client?
PB: Once we have a goal in mind, we do a set of short tests and activities including a 14-muscle assessment to record where there is too much or not enough energy in the body. Then we perform what we call a “balance”, where we correct these troubled areas. How the body reacts will usually indicate what appropriate balancing action we should apply. For instance, rubbing acupuncture points, identifying food intolerance or clearing emotional blockage. These corrections can be physical, mental, emotional or nutritional.

WM: What does the patient need to do after a session?
PB: There are no rules, it depends on the person, the circumstance and the session. The body has so much information stored inside it – as kinesiologists we know how to read and interepret it – based on that, there may or may not be “homework”. At the end of the “balance” – that’s what we call a session – we test the body to see if home reinforcement is needed, depending on the nature of the issue. For example, if someone’s ‘balance” is about brain integration, that person should consider doing specific workouts like super brain yoga at home. If it is food-related, the client we will suggest that the client omit or add certain foods to their diet. If it is about physical pain, it might be nutritional and therefore require specific supplements. Sometimes, it can be something as simple as asking the client to write down their life goals – it might sound silly, but these days, a lot of people go through life with their habits, routines and responsibilities. In doing so, they sometimes lose sight of who they really are deep down and what they want out of life. They end up reacting to life as opposed to taking ownership of it and doing what they are meant to do. This is very common.

WM: How quickly can it resolve a problem?
PB: It all depends on the goal, the energy and the stress the client can hold. Sometimes one session is enough, sometimes more are required, but we rarely see a client more than 3 times for the same problem.

WM: Could this replace traditional medicine?
PB: No, we are not doctors. However, we can prevent people from getting sick physically, psychologically or emotionally and help them live their life fully.


* Professional kinesiology should not to be confused with the science of human kinetics that is commonly called kinesiology.


Expert interview: can kinesiology help you? 1

If you would like to know more about Professional Kinesiology:

Contact Philippe Berthelot by email: