A bite of these Dunkin’ chocolate cookies conjured up images of me as a kid with a plate of fudgee-o cookies (these were a thing in Canada growing up…) and a tall glass of cold milk. I literally close my eyes, turn off the music/phone/pc or whatever else I am doing and savor every single bite of these when I make them.

And the wonderful thing is that despite their decadent taste, they aren’t full of nasties. Crispy on outside, chewy inside and drumroll….. they’re actually kind of light. They don’t have any oil or butter but rather use nut butter, which is a great substitute in this case. They are almost light enough that you could spread your favorite frosting on one, sandwich it with another – macaron or whoopie-style – and not feel horribly guilty. But regardless of how they are eaten, they won’t last long unless you hide them somewhere.



  1. Preheat oven to 175C and line a large cookie sheet with parchment paper
  2. In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients
  3. Mix in vanilla, nut butter and almond milk until well combined
  4. With 2 tablespoons, drop cookie dough in a round ball onto the cookie sheet, being careful to space them at least 1.5 inches apart
  5. Place in oven for 20-25 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes before removing cookies from the pan with a spatula.
  6. Store in airtight container for up to one week