I’ve had this obssession with nut butters for as long as I can remember. You see, what Nutella crêpes are to my children today (the story), peanut butter jelly-laden toasted bread was to me as a child. I have fond memories of my best friend and I gorging ourselves on triple decker PB&Js sandwiches and tall glasses of milk watching after-school movies, wondering how we had almost emptied the jar…and this love affair continued well into my 20s and 30s.

Needless to say, when I quit sugar, I was relieved to see a good variety of organic, sugar free peanut butters in most supermarkets. A few years later, I began reading labels a little more carefully and became mindful of vegetable oils (read this article, you’ll understand) and that (greatly) reduced the number of peanut butter brands I considered to be “healthy”. Then….it happened: I tested positive for peanut intolerance. Since, I’ve scoured the city for good almond, pistachio and cashew butters but ultimately found that making it them myself was the best option. Cheaper, tastier, fairly quick and easy to prepare – and so satisfying. So today, I share my well-honed, tried and tested, go-to recipe. But before we begin….

A few tips and some theory



  1. Preheat oven to 200F
  2. Toss the nuts together and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper for about 10-15 minutes, tossing them regularly
  3. Remove from the oven and let cool
  4. Put half the nuts in the blender and blend at high speed until it becomes powdery. Add the rest of the nuts and do the same.
  5. Continue blending for until the mixture starts to become somewhat creamy, scraping it down the sides once in a while. At this point, you may want to taste and add a little bit more salt. Then, you can add the optional sweetener or spice. Blend for another 30 seconds – 1 minute until it reaches your desired consistency.