I’ve been making granola for a while now and love how practical, filling and delish it is. I have to admit however that most “healthy” granolas fall short of one thing: big crunchy clusters. While I like the idea of omitting the golden syrup and vegetable oil present in the processed variety, the child in me is disappointed not to land on a big caramelized almost cookie-like chunk of oats and chopped nut. So how do you get those nuggets of goodness to stick together without adding a ton of bad ingredients? Add some gluten free flour and use a liquid natural sweetener.

In this particular recipe, I’ve kept the ingredients really simple and stuck to one of my favorite combinations : maple with walnut. It is good to munch on any time of the day but my preference is in the morning after my workout with a sliced banana on some thick Greek yogurt.




  1. Preheat oven to 300F
  2. Mix the oats and walnuts in a large bowl and set aside
  3. In a pan, melt the ghee, add the maple syrup and mix on low heat until well combined. Remove from heat.
  4. Add salt and whisk in flour until smooth
  5. Pour this liquidy mixture into the oats and combine well
  6. Prepare a large cookie sheet and line it with parchment paper. Spread the granola on the sheet while forming some clusters here and there. This should be fairly easy to achieve thanks to the stickiness of the oat preparation.
  7. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until very fragrant and golden. The mix might still be a little sticky but once you let it out of the oven on the baking sheet for 30 minutes or so, it will dry up.
  8. Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks