In the past few years, I’ve seen a surge in the number of people using energy healing. What used to be considered weird and incomprehensible by most is becoming a lot more accepted. Girlfriends I know who would not have touched modalities like Reiki, Crano-sacral Therapy, Qi-Gong or Pranic Healing with a ten foot pole five years ago have gone to see practitioners for a variety of reasons, from treating ailments where traditional medicine alone hasn’t yielded expected results to managing chronic feelings like stress and anxiety. Whilst there are many types of energy healing, they all share the common idea that we all have energy going through our body; and that to stay healthy, our energy centers (often called chakras) should be balanced so as to keep it flowing.  Scientists are now even able to measure energy centers and recognize the benefits of balancing them on your brain and body, so I believe there is something to it, as do a growing number of people.

In my last article, I shared information about Dr Joe Dispenza, who teaches people how to do this themselves, but his practice takes time, consistency and patience, and if you are just starting to look into the topic, you may not be ready to throw yourself into that kind of daily journey. If that’s the case, working with a certified energetic healer could be a good way to start.

Today, I want to share an interview I conducted with a long time friend, who happens to also be a certified Pranic Healer here in Dubai, Catherine Berthelot. Considering the covid-19 situation – we didn’t sit over coffee, but we did have a long chat online where she managed to answer all the questions that would be beneficial to readers wanting to familiarize themselves with this style of energy healing. She not only has an inspiring personal story, but is also a really genuine being who spreads her good energy everywhere she goes. Enjoy the read.

WM: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into pranic healing?

CB:  It began over 3 years ago, when I got what a medical specialist at the time described as the beginnings of a stroke. I experienced episodes of extreme weakness and fainting, could not stand up or sit, had unbearable headaches, my eyes were in pain and looking at light was impossible. I’d never had migraines prior to this so naturally, panicked. I literally thought my head would explode and I would die. My blood pressure soared and all my blood vessels were constricted. Doctors gave me medication and shots to decrease it but this still happened a few more times. That is why I decided to consult with Michelle Garnier-Chedotal, a certified professional Pranic Healer GMCKS and kinesiopractor™, certified PKP instructor. She did few sessions of Pranic Healing, I totally recovered and never had an episode since. She also urged me to practice meditation everyday to calm and recover.

6 months later, my husband, son and I went on a hiking holiday around the Mont Blanc in France. One afternoon, our son started vomiting, had major abdominal pain and diarrhea, we were at a high altitude and didn’t know what to do. It was sundown, and the team doctor accompanying our group suspected it was a gastrointestinal infection; he suggested we head back the next morning. My husband, who is also a kinesiopractor and who had taken a Pranic Healer certification, performed a few sessions on him throughout the night. The following day, our son woke up with a big smile, ready to hike again, he wasn’t even weak; even the doctor was amazed by the results.

This practice seemed miraculous to me, I wanted to understand it better. Shortly after, I began participating in group meditations at The Pranic Healing Center here in Dubai and the benefits of Pranic Healing became clearer to me. A year later, I embarked on my certification process, officially became a professional Pranic Healer and have not looked back. Today, I am so happy to be able to practice it and give healing sessions to people throughout the world.

WM: What is the premise of Pranic Healing?

CB: Pranic Healing is a system of energy medicine that uses Prana – one’s life force or vital energy – to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes. As humans, we are an integration of our mind, emotions, energy and physical body. We all have an energy field within and around us. This energy field that we emit as electromagnetic frequency is known as the Aura.

Since our aura and visible physical body merge with each other, if one gets affected, the other might get affected too. Anything in life that disturb us, such as stress at work, fear, sadness and loneliness, arguments and frustrations, makes this luminous energy field dimmer, imbalanced and full of holes and greyish energies. This, in long run appears as pain, discomfort, physical and psychological problems. The science of Pranic Healing is based on the concept of healing the energy body or the human aura and the energy centers, also known as the chakras.

WM: Could you give us a quick explanation on what a chakra is?

CB: The chakras are energy centers that are responsible for the proper functioning of major glands and organs. They receive energy from the environment and expel the used-up energy back into it. So when the chakras start malfunctioning because of contamination or obstruction in the flow of energy and accumulation of negative thoughts and emotions, they adversely affect the organs and glands under their control. In the long run, we can end up having a mental or physical disease.

For example, the basic chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the center of self-preservation and survival instinct. Someone with a healthy basic chakra will be dynamic whereas persons with an overactivate basic chakras will tend to be hyperactive, restless, and have difficulty sleeping. Typically, someone suffering from insomnia will have an overactivated basic chakra.  This is often caused by emotional factors.

The solar plexus chakra is usually overactivated and congested.

Another commonly congested chakra is the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus Chakra is the center of lower emotions like anger, hate, irritation, resentment, worry, anxiety, tension, fear, selfishness, addiction, stress etc. It is also the center of courage, drive, perseverance, assertiveness and the desire to win. This is the center of “I want this, I need that…”. To be successful, the solar plexus has to be highly activated.

WM: Where does Pranic Healing originate from?

CB: Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga was founded by Grand Master Choa kok Sui. He was born in Philippines and became a yogi at an early age and became interested in spiritual topics and energy healing. His formal training as a chemical engineer helped him formulate the Pranic Healing System.

For 20 years, he traveled virtually non-stop, personally instructing students in over 60 countries on 6 continents. Before his passing on March 2007, he finished 25 books published in more than 30 languages and saw more than 100 Pranic Healing Centers established in over 90 countries.

WM: How does a session work?

CB: It’s a highly effective no-touch, no-drug complementary therapy system that treats and purifies the prana to heal illnesses and provide solutions for day-to-day problems.

Basic Pranic Healing consists of two basic principles: cleansing and energizing. Cleansing means removal of the diseased energy from the health aura through hand movements we are trained to do to process negative energy out of the energy body and release it. Energizing means transferring prana or life energy to the affected area. It is the science of healing emotional, physical and psychological disorders.

It can be done at distance and heal the patient who is located in another location, town or country. Given the current situation, I am actually working this way with several clients at the moment. A regular session normally takes about an hour and the client doesn’t need to do much except to relax and breathe. Depending on the situation and the person, minor ailments can be healed in a few sessions while major illnesses requires regular healing sessions over a few months.

I often like to use crystals in my healing. Crystals and stones naturally have consciousness and thereby can be used as a powerful instrument of healing if you know how to cleanse, program and energize them. They are a great way to increase the healer’s healing power – by over 200 times – as well as deepen the spiritual experiences and improve the prosperity level.

WM: Who can benefit from Pranic Healing?

CB: It has countless emotional, physical, mental and spiritual benefits. It is a particularly good complement to a medical treatment for example. Our body is already programmed for self-recovery, Pranic Healing just increases the rate of healing by three times or more than the normal rate. Here are some of the benefits. The list might seem long but in reality, it is not exhaustive because energy can heal so much. I’ve seen so many cases of people feeling better thanks to this type of energy healing, from individuals who had tumors to people with emotional trauma.

As healers, we practice a lot of meditation to enhance our power of healing and also encourage clients to do so.

WM: Any tips for the stress surround the current Covid-19 crisis?

CB: A situation like the one we are going through today can be a source of fear, stress and phobia on one hand for obvious reasons. We are bombarded by media with negative messages both from a health standpoint but also from an economic one. Also, working, homeschooling, doing everything else and not being able to get out to get fresh air regularly can be very stressful. Also, many are concerned about their immune system, which is quite natural. All these things can take their toll on you and most people could probably benefit from a healing session.

I help people alleviate their stress, phobias, fears and also treat to reinforce their immune and defense system. In the current situation with people locked down at home, I’ve been busy treating clients at distance which is one of the great thing about Pranic Healing – it’s possible despite social distancing.

For more information or to book a consultation:


Catherine BerthelotCatherine Berthelot
Phone or Whatsapp: +971 (0)55 357 1814