The ultimate gut-healing superfood

A few years ago, when I was first diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), I went on a strict low FODMAP diet and began using a lot of different supplements. One of the key elements in my recovery was, believe it or not, a daily dose of bone broth. It’s an ancient remedy going through […]
The “calories in calories out” myth

I am always shocked to realize how many people today still think that losing/gaining weight is all about “calories in, calories out”, despite all the research that demonstrates otherwise. Today’s post is really about explaining why that theory is outdated. I hope it can be help some of you, especially the ladies out there who have tried changing […]
Want to make a change? A must-read

I was first introduced to Joe Dispenza’s “You Are the Placebo” in an introductory brain-based fitness class as it was part of the suggested readings. However I did not suspect for a second how enlightening it would be – since then, I have recommended it to countless friends who have all thought the same. What […]
Fructose malabsorption: think you have it?

Until I got tested for it, I never knew fructose malabsorption even existed. However, it did explain why I could never really pin point why some foods worked well with me sometimes and not others. In fact, it explained a lot of my digestive troubles. What is it? Fructose malabsorption should not be confused with […]
Bloating: home remedies that work

Almost every woman over 30 I know has the occasional bloat. I was the queen of chronic bloating for years and years until I got fed up and got to the bottom of it. But this is post isn’t about that – it’s about the quick fixes that worked for me and that might help you […]