Fats: the good, the bad and the ugly

Having spoken with countless number of forward-thinking nutritionists, doctors and wellness professionals in recent months, I can tell you one thing for sure: while most agree that we all have our own unique body chemistry, they have differing views on what types of fat and how much of them we should be consuming. Many still […]
Taking the leap: why it’s so hard – interview with Kira Jean

Change is an inherent part of being human, we all know that. But since I’ve been here in Dubai, the sheer number of people in my entourage contemplating change or who have already revamped something major in their life is astounding. We think about it, we read about it online or get books on how […]
Expert interview: can kinesiology help you?

The first time I experienced Professional Kinesiology* in its most basic form was 7 years ago, when I went to see a Chinese Medecine doctor who used it for allergy testing in London. At the time, I was a little bit dubious of this method that uses muscle testing to better understand what’s going on […]
Do you have heavy metal toxicity?

Heavy metal toxicity is a reality for us living in an industrialized society because we are constantly exposed to toxins in our daily life. Analyzing your mineral and toxic metal levels has become quite popular in the preventive healthcare sector because it can often help explain the causes of many health symptoms and diseases, from fybromalgia to […]
Essential oils: interview with Mr. Fox

I’ve been wanting to write about essential oils for a while but wasn’t sure how to approach the topic…until I met Vincent Bruno, a.k.a. Mr. Fox. He isn’t a doctor, a naturopath or an aromatherapist. He’s just a really passionate fellow whose mission is to make people feel good using essential oils. His sprays, serums and blends […]
What’s the story behind Matcha?

We are seeing matcha everything these days in Dubai – from lattes and smoothies to cookies and cheesecake. Still, until a month ago, I had never touched the stuff. I’m not really into smoothies, don’t eat sweets anymore and honestly, I absolutely love/need/want/can’t imagine life without coffee, so could not fathom replacing it with anything, let alone […]
Gut health, intolerances, weight loss – a leading Dubai nutritionist’s view

I’ve been wanting to write a post about gut health for a while now because it seems like everyone’s got a digestive issue these days. On your next girl lunch/night/breakfast, mention your bloating issues and see how many people chime in and share theirs. I bet you at least 1 out 3 will start talking […]
DNA testing – you have more control over genes than you think

All things related to science and the body fascinate me, but there are a few topics that I feel are huge game changers in medicine today and that too few people know about. DNA testing is one of them. I have benefited from my own DNA findings and really encourage everyone to do the same because understanding your […]
Is low stomach acid causing your bloating?

When they hear the words “stomach acid”, most people automatically think acid indigestion or heartburn. Naturally, they associate these with having too much stomach acid, which is why many people turn to acid blocking medicine like tums or Rolaids for relief. In reality however, the opposite is true, medical literature suggests that the majority of […]
My go-to detox supplement

DIM – diindolylmethane – is a compound found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and certain greens. It is said to not only promote better estrogen metabolism in both women and men but also has strong cancer-fighting properties. If you’re thinking “I don’t have hormonal issues so this doesn’t concern me”, think again. With all […]