My favorite natural skin care hack

Today I want to share a natural skincare solution I think every woman should try : rose water.
Are you Connected with Yourself? An Expert Interview

Ever feel disconnected from your career, friends, environment or other important aspect of your life? Or are you in a state of chronic discontent, constantly looking for version 2.0 of yourself that is more successful, easy going, slimmer or younger-looking? I think it happens to almost everyone at some point. And we either do something […]
Chlorella and spirulina: what you didn’t know

What is the difference between chlorella and spirulina? Why would you use one over the other? How do you choose which brand to buy? These are all the questions that sprung to mind when I began researching these superfoods upon finding out about my high mercury levels last year. Being geeky old “moi”, I researched, […]
Interview with Sharmila Kamte: Dance, teens and self-image

Ever meet people where you think, “Wow, they are doing exactly what they were meant to be doing in this world”? They’re passionate, live and breathe their work – which they don’t consider as work – and have this unwavering, refreshing honesty and confidence about who they are and what they do. Well that’s the […]
Reach your full potential – an Expert interview with Isabel Galiardo

Ever feel like you are just a star waiting to be born? Or that you’re just not where you should be? Or maybe you’re just have recurring problems you would like to get to the bottom of? We all have huge potential but sometimes we adopt behaviors that work against us, like pessimism, procrastination, fear, […]
Hypnotherapy, can it unlock your subsconscious? An Expert Interview

In the past few years, just as meditation has grown mainstream and been accepted by the medical world as having positive effects, so have other mindful practices. Hypnotherapy is one of them. Apparently, under a state of hypnosis, our brain waves are such that they can make the subconscious – our usually untouchable black box […]
Guilt and how to get rid of it: an Expert interview

Not sure it’s always been the case, but certainly in my generation, guilt is a common issue amongst women. In fact, I read somewhere that we are dubbed the GAT (Guilty All the Time) Generation! And I’m not talking about the kind you get when you do something horrible, but rather the daily, weekly type […]
Cholesterol 101 (and then some)

Last year I found out I had slightly elevated cholesterol levels. Yup, fitness addict-gluten-and-sugar-free-vegetable-eating me. I got several tests done over the year and got as many different explanations and recommendations as the number of doctors I saw. Probably because cholesterol is a very complex topic. And there are a lot of differing views and […]
Couples, relationships and self-love – Expert interview

All couples experience some hiccups and roadblocks along the way, but it seems like a lot of them are concentrated in one’s thirties and forties.The story doesn’t always end up in separation or divorce but chronic fighting/arguing can certainly put a strain on any marriage or relationship. What makes romantic relationships deteriorate? What can help […]
What is functional medicine? Expert interview Dr. Shefali Verma

When I started investigating my digestive issues years ago, I became the walking encyclopedia of all food, intolerance and gut tests available. After much unsuccessful Google self-diagnosis I was finally aided by a good nutritionist, and took charge of my gut health. But hen, just as all was getting happy digestive-wise, I hit 39 and […]