Greek vs regular yogurt

Greek vs regular yogurt

I regularly use Greek yogurt when preparing meals, especially at breakfast, where I love drizzling it with raw honey, covering it with homemade berry compote, or simply as a dollop on overnight oats. It’s also an essential component of my 3-ingredient flatbread, which gets a lot of visits on my Instagram TV channel. However, many […]

Why enjoying food is so important

Why enjoying food is so important

My mission with Well Mamma is to help people put good energy into every part of the “fooding” process. From doing their best to source good ingredients to fully enjoying eating (and sharing) their meals. Unfortunately, this process can be totally sabotaged by the way our Western society works. Many obstacles can get in the […]

Increasing oxytocin levels (during confinement)

Increasing oxytocin levels in confinement

Some of you may already be familiar with oxytocin, also dubbed as the love or bonding hormone. It is produced by the hypothalamus, secreted by the pituitary gland and is often said to be boosted by human touch and positive social interactions. It plays a key role in reproduction, childbirth, recognition, sexual arousal and bonding […]

The scientific benefits of spending time in nature

The scientific benefits of spending time in nature

I’ve always loved walking, from the time I was a little kid. But there have been periods in my life when I barely walked because of my urban lifestyle and environment. Which is quite unnatural considering that we human beings were designed to walk. Luckily, two years ago, we got a dog, and being an […]

Just Feel Good.

Just feel good.

Today, I want to share a tool I’ve been using for a few months now to help me get to a better feeling place in times of anxiety, fear or just plain “blah-ness”. It is something called the Emotional Guidance Scale. Everything is energy You may remember that in January 2020 – right before the […]

How judgmental are we?

How judgmental are we? 1

Confinement and social distancing have had a strange effect on me. While I still spend a lot of time thinking about food and creating recipes, I’ve been doing more introspecting and meditating than usual. I was just telling my husband that this “stay home” movement puts us in situations where feelings and thoughts that are […]

A new model of psychotherapy: BWRT®

A new model of psychotherapy: BWRT® 2

In case you did not know, I am not a full-time blogger and most of my time is actually spent working as the Marketing Director for a cool tech start-up in the HR space. More specifically, we help employers assess their people so they can get a deeper understanding of what makes them tick and […]

Cleanse and re-energize yourself with Pranic Healing – an expert interview

Pranic Healing

In the past few years, I’ve seen a surge in the number of people using energy healing. What used to be considered weird and incomprehensible by most is becoming a lot more accepted. Girlfriends I know who would not have touched modalities like Reiki, Crano-sacral Therapy, Qi-Gong or Pranic Healing with a ten foot pole […]

My week-long retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza

retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza

My week-long retreat with Dr Joe Dispenza was beyond anything I could have imagined. As some of you may know, I am a big Dispenza fan and have been ever since I read his book “You are the placebo”, several years ago, which then led to watching his videos and finally, attending his Week Long […]

Managing a negative body image – expert interview

People of all sizes

Today, we will be tackling a pretty serious topic that affects a large number of people – especially women: body image. More specifically, why do so many women spend so much time, money, effort and thought trying to change their bodies? Is it for health? Is it for vanity? Will exercising a lot and eating […]