Mast o Khiar

mast o khiar

“Mast o Khiar” (literal translation is Yogurt and Cucumber) is an Iranian side dish that is somewhere between a dip and a proper salad. As a kid, my mom used to serve it in a big dish alongside perfectly cooked Basmati rice, salad and grilled meat. I remember taking ladles of it and smothering this […]

Warm spring vegetable bowl

Warm spring vegetable bowl

I love this sort of recipe because it is really versatile. It works perfectly as a main on days where I need something light and nourishing without having to take the salad route (because the veggies are mostly blanched or sauteed, they are super easy to digest and extra tasty!). It is also a glorious […]

Orange chocolate ricotta coffee cake

Orange chocolate ricotta coffee cake

This cake is inspired by Smitten Kitchen’s wonderful cannoli pound cake, which I discovered thanks to the Dinner Sisters podcast (one of my favorite US foodie mom podcasts). When I first heard the girls talking about this one-bowl recipe on their pod, the idea of it stuck in my head for weeks, to a point […]

Fresh snow pea quinoa salad

Fresh snow pea quinoa salad

I’m ashamed to say I was tempted to keep this recipe only for my Spring and Summer e-book, but I just couldn’t. EVERYONE should know about this one – it is so healthy, yum, and perfect for the season. Whether you just want it as a side or as a main, this pretty salad is […]

Fresh herb pesto


Nothing beats homemade herb pesto. It is a lot tastier than the store-bought kind as well as filled with phytonutrients and vitamins. I have a few variations of this recipe in my Spring and Summer recipe e-book but the below recipe is the one I began with years ago when I first started the blog.  […]

A really good Spanish tortilla

A really good Spanish tortilla

I love tapas in general – and I especially affection a really good Spanish tortilla. But I must admit, my relationship with this potato-filled omelet is a love-hate one. The first time I made it was with a friend who had just spent a year studying in Spain who had become a pro at making […]

Starbucks lemon pound cake copycat recipe

lemon pound cake

I used to regularly eyeball (and sometimes indulge) in the lemon poppy seed pound cake at Starbucks when I was living in Dubai. Here in countryside France, it is harder to come by. So when the craving hits, I make this wonderful cake instead. It is to die for. We don’t always include the poppy […]

Pear and fennel juice – the perfect drink to ease into spring

Fennel Pear Juice

I don’t know about you, but once Valentine’s day has come and gone, I feel like the next step is spring. Here in the south of France, we can already feel that the frostiness of mornings has given way to a warmer air, where we can smell the lemon trees that are overflowing with fruit. […]

Asian pantry staples (the ones I use)

Asian pantry ingredients

I often get asked to provide a list of Asian pantry staples based on the recipes I make. Many people love the idea of making Asian cuisine because it isn’t just packed with flavor but also for the simple reason that is generally quick and easy. The big excuse for not jumping on the bandwagon? […]

A healthier Nutella recipe

Healthy Nutella

After spending way too many hours trying to make healthy homemade Nutella, I need to give you some feedback. If you really want Nutella that resembles the real thing, you will need to add a lot of processed ingredients like sugar, condensed milk, milk chocolate, etc. Sure, it will be made with love (and without […]