Almost every woman over 30 I know has the occasional bloat. I was the queen of chronic bloating for years and years until I got fed up and got to the bottom of it. But this is post isn’t about that – it’s about the quick fixes that worked for me and that might help you get rid of the ballooning stomach fast. They won’t cure a chronic issue but I’ve found them to be highly effective when you need to get the volume down fast (eg. fit into clothes that aren’t jogging pants).


Invest in a good peppermint essential oil.

Apparently, the compounds of peppermint oil reduce spasms of the colon and intestinal tract. Also, it has thymol and eugenol, which “balance oral and intestinal flora, thereby reducing fermentation of undigested food” [1]. Personally, I use either Young Living or Rocky Mountain oils, but use any good quality, organic oil you trust. I put a few drops in a glass of water and drink it. I know ingesting essential oils is something certain people don’t feel comfortable with, but it has relieved me more than once so I don’t hesitate to do it. Of course, I wouldn’t suggest this for children, a pregnant or nursing woman.

In absence of the essential oil, make yourself some peppermint tea, it might not provide the same level of instant relief but it certainly does help a lot.

Activated charcoal

I used to take this and it does work. However, it takes a little longer than peppermint in my case and what I don’t like about it is that charcoal basically wipes out anything you may have taken before. So if you’ve taken supplements, medication or anything else, it will annul their effect. Nevertheless, a lot of people swear by this.


This may sound a bit too easy to be effective, but trust me, it works; in fact, it is one of the quickest way to reduce bloat (as well as stress and anxiety) and here’s why.
Proper belly breathing activates the parasympathetic system, otherwise known as the “rest and digest” system. This in turn chills out your enteric nervous system (the gut’s nervous system, our second brain), allowing it to work properly. With age we forget how to breathe like this

How to do it:



Bloating: home remedies that work 1










Vajrasana: This is the only move you can do on a full stomach, making it perfect for digestion. By sitting on your feet, you are basically slowing down the blood flow to your lower body. In doing so, you increase the blood flow to your digestive system. Holding this position might be a little uncomfortable. The good news is that like everything, the more you do it, the easier it gets.

How to do it:
– Sit on your knees with keeping your back upright.
– Your feet should be flat on the ground and soles turned upward.
– Hold for 30 seconds – 1 minute

Bloating: home remedies that work 2







: Otherwise known as the wind-releasing pose, it helps with both gas and bloating by massaging your organs.

How to do it:
– Lie on your back, bending both knees into your chest and hugging them firmly
– Rock your knees from side to side
– Pause for a few seconds and repeat 5 times

Bloating: home remedies that work 3







Ardha Matsyendrasana
: Twisting poses in general are quite detoxing and bloat-relieving. This particular one is a spine twist that provides you with a deep twist which helps stimulate digestion and relieve gas.

How to do it:
– Start seated with legs straight in front of you
– Bend your left knee, placing the left foot on the floor across your midline, outside your right thigh (if this is too challenging, place it on the inside of the knee like on the picture).
– Wrap your right arm around your left knee, place your left hand behind you and twist
– Inhale to lengthen your spine and exhale to twist deeper
– Hold this for 5 breaths and repeat on the opposite side


As I said, these are timely band aids, but if this is recurrent problem, get down to the bottom of it otherwise it will just get worst with age.

